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Sunday, March 25, 2007

Wavy Start to Finish

I forgot to mention last week that we updated Trials with number 005, which is the end of the Kai Arc. (We might do a finish up of such, but time restrains us). And I'm just moments of workin' on the next installment of Trials.

We also have a new Forums set up for you guys, one would say it's a SUPER forum, you should sign up. It's dedicated to our projects, most of you who read this now are just a couple friends of mine and hardly anyone who matters, so it's a good place to go amongst yourselves. Also, you can check out the comic The Nineteenth-Century Industrialist, whom is done by Renee Katz, a somewhat partner of us as we promote each other and share forums.

However, I also mentioned a little while ago that we would be doing a second project. Well, that's true and not at the same time. Y'see, the project we had planned was Vagrants in Space. About a band (Again), a real-life band though, in a zany sit-com-esque strip. But we came into some problems...

It wasn't fun to do, first off. Klahad we both are into it, it takes the right kinda time and fills up our day with some fulfilling work.

Also Vagrants took way too long for such a short piece of what would be work. It would take us a lot longer than an average Klahad page, and would look half-as-good.

It just didn't hold water. It wasn't as funny as it should be, and it didn't visualy capture the jokes and how they are delivered. Voices have always been a thing we use, but these jokes highly suffered because of it.

And lastly, we aren't trying to be succesful comic-strip artists. We prefer comic books and graphic novels. So naturally, we aren't pros at it. So, after we did four strips of Vagrants, we made the decision that we would abandon the project as it would get us nowhere and distract us from other projects. So, we will still have the same schedule for Klahad, but use our off-week for other, short projects to hone our skills and to tell some short good stories.

Joshua is currently trying to get a website for a comic he has put on his Myspace, it's good... Not great... Not really bad either. One would say it's just sub-par.

And since I love you all so... Here's a picture of some Klahad.

So, go check out some Klahad. Sign up to the Forums.

Also, I know I'm late to the finish line, but 300... Good-ass-movie. That is all.

Friday, March 16, 2007


I like this picture.

... That's all.

Go read Trials.


Monday, March 12, 2007

Trials Number 004 Online

The new comic is out, check it out!

We've got a new schedule out for Trials, we'll be updating 6-7 pages of comic on the first three Sundays. So that means, Week 1-3 of the month you get some Trials. Now, this doesn't mean that week 4 goes without anything. We'll be taking it easier, but we won't relieve ourself of work. We'll be working on our new comic strip, "Vagrants in Space", now we'll tell you all about that when we get all the working into it. But I assure you it's good. Why you say? Well... It's got this guy:

I love him, and you'll soon love him too.

As you may see from Trials, we're rearing to the end of the Kai Arc, and we'll soon see some hot action in the future. Want a hint... I'll throw in a small one for you: Muscles. You'll know what I'm talking about.

Another thing I did recently was created a small one-shot strip for me sister for this WoW contest that's been going around lately. Undoubtedly I'll win... Three times. Because I rule ass. I'd post it, but I don't wanna ruin it for me. So you're gonna have to wait and see.

And another thing, I'll be posting more crap into my DeviantArt. And what I mean by crap, I mean all my crap. This here is me work journal where I post shiny pictures so that I don't bore you all to death. But there, I can slap any stupid drawing of a Turtle with a large penis for everyone to see. Just don't show any weakness around that Cosmo111687 dude, he's a sensitive fella, but he's a good guy... I think?

What else, what else? Hmm... Dr. Man-Mantis... I should draw him more, he's that guy in Trials... See if you can point him out! I know, it's just like Waldo, only with a huge fucking Mantis.

Well, I think that's all for now. I can't seem to think of anything more interesting to talk about to you nobodies. Screw off.

Monday, March 5, 2007

New Comic up for Trials

There's a new issue of Trials up, and we're gonna be trying to see how well we can do if we can get a one comic a week worked out. We might be able to pull it off... But that's neither here nor there.


Here's some.

Lil' C'thulu, of course, he's a master of evil, but he's adorable at it.

And the muscle man, he's pure man.

And ROAGE, the angriest band ever, so angry, it rips up the universe and gives IT a scar. Inovaters of Demon-Rock, homage to the LONGEST bridges of Metal EVER. A product of giving Severin a pen. Don't do that.

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