Here's a few concepts of the not every made 1980 game sensation based on my pure fame that spread to the land of Japan.

Here's the initial sprite-sheet for the characters:

Player one controls Timmy, a young lad much like myself, player 2 plays his friend Joshua, a young lad much like Joshua's self.
Timmy's weapon arsenal includes a Clam that can be used to slam on your enemies to stun them, a squid used to smack villains ahead of you, and a Guitar to shoot beams of rock at your foes. Joshua get's an Axe to slam, a Lightsaber to smack, and a Boomerang to throw.
Bonus one time use items include the Kite, which grants you some flight, the Ring, which turns you invisible, and the Bubble-Gun that will trap enemies into a bubble.
Below are the stages, which include:
Level 1: Jungleland
Level 2: Industrialland
Level 3: Lavaland
Level 4: Toyland
Level 5: Jazzland
Level 6: Pirateland
Level 7: Highwayland
Level 8: Snowland
Level 9: Mountainland
Level 10: Cloudland
Level11: Castleland
Jungleland is the first zone you'll go to, filled with beaches, trees, and a jungle. The enemies you'll come across are:
The Kappas

The Batsomeguy

The Pigmenn

The Natives

The Supaida (Spiders)

The Don-Snakes

The Miniboss is the Lumberjacker, and the final boss is Gorilla-commander.

The rest of the levels I'd post if I'd ever finish them.
To save your game, just find the Jigen-Cactus:

It's a game that'd leave you on the end of your seat, I don't know why... It's poorly made...

Have a good night.