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Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Socks, -ocks, and one Cock.

Today, my sister came to me, and she said "Socktopus". Confused, she told me, "It must be purple". So, after a while contemplating exactly WHAT she meant... This is what became.

Now, I've had this drawing for a while. I thought how was the best way to represent ME. And I figured, "By GOD! I'm a manly-statue of man-sauce, and since I'm a BRILLIANT artist, why not represent myself in a style that most people can relate to." That's right, Future-Dr. Timothy Bower, drawn like the Grinch.

And how sexy would I look... In colour?!

So, that's it for today folk. Tune in for more of my awesome-ness, and remember... I'm a man that you can worship, even if you don't know who I am.


DJKalteraphine said...

Oh that silly Steph.

Anonymous said...

Socktopus! That's awesome! I'm also a very big fan of the creatively rendered self-portrait. Very sinister. Such a talented beast you are Tim.

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