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Thursday, February 15, 2007


Here's a drawing:

Go read about it at the Official Logs of Joshua 'P'.

Oh, and here's Mad-Eye Moody. It's a quicky doodle, just like above.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Isn't she cute?!

Rollin' on over to chapter two, and I've finished the works. Well, the line-art. So, on to the coloring, but I thought I'd share some other stuff.

First is a panel from the comic, it's of Rebecca, the most adorable idiot ever! I was really proud with this one because I suffer from the ability to seriously doubt myself, but then I forget, I'm friggen' the BEST. So, of course, I present the best.

Isn't she so cute?

And here's a doodle I did while watching House M.D. today... You can guess... It's... House.

And last, is my retired World of Warcraft character (After I quit), and is now gonna be used as the concept for future use.

Well, that's all to share.


Tuesday, February 6, 2007

And then it began!

Thanks to Newbsoft comic network for hosting the Malandro Studio's presents "The Trials of Klahad of the Abyss". We finally are in business! So check it out, give it to friends, you know I would.

In fact, I don't know if you ARE my friends... You should be telling ME that MY website is on the web now... But you didn't... You guys are ass holes.


Sunday, February 4, 2007


That is right. The first issue of the first comic of the first... Is completed. Yes, yes, I know, you all cheer. But you ask me... "Tim, when can we see it? I mean, if you weren't such a fag you'd have it uploaded"... Ha-ha, but as you know, I'm merely the pen-jockey, this dang-fabbled inter-nets confuses me and since I'm incompetent, Sir Joshua is taking care of everything.

However, since you are my LOYAL fans, I will give you a treat... A preview of the first page... JUST FOR YOU! For you guys!

Now of course we can't show you EVERYTHING. You must subscribe for a measily 12.99 a page subscription to "Timothy's Sexy Comixs" to get everything with NO CENSORSHIP! This kinda comic doesn't come around everywhere... I show'd you a little nip in panel 3. Hehe, but I know you curious guys out there can't... WON'T settle for that.

So subscribe now!

Or just wait until we get a host at that Transplant place or whatever.

Oh shit! Joshua's coming, don't tell him I'm using the computer and not drawing, I can't get done again!

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