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Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Isn't she cute?!

Rollin' on over to chapter two, and I've finished the works. Well, the line-art. So, on to the coloring, but I thought I'd share some other stuff.

First is a panel from the comic, it's of Rebecca, the most adorable idiot ever! I was really proud with this one because I suffer from the ability to seriously doubt myself, but then I forget, I'm friggen' the BEST. So, of course, I present the best.

Isn't she so cute?

And here's a doodle I did while watching House M.D. today... You can guess... It's... House.

And last, is my retired World of Warcraft character (After I quit), and is now gonna be used as the concept for future use.

Well, that's all to share.


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