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Saturday, June 23, 2007

Timothy and Comics


Hello. As I sit here, compelled to type more to tell you of something I have no idea what I'm talking about. I come to myself saying...

Anyways, this Sunday will be marking the 100th page of Klahad. No guest comics, no pin-ups, just full on comic. Which I'm very proud of, Joshua and I have only been working on Klahad for 4-5 months. And we have accomplished a lot. Also on top of all that, I am looking forward to my break for a week. My hand is near damn crippled. "But Tim, you draw the comic almost every week, why now?" Well Mr. Doesn't really ask that question and this is only a segway into this... It's because I'm taking Summer School so my sorry ass can pass Highschool, I'm not a senior, I'm not in college, I'm in loser-ass purgatory. That's fucked up. On top of that, I'm making up a class I failed a couple years ago.... Art. Yeah, think that one through.

I have been drawing 42 hours straight, my hand is clicking, even if I don't move it.

But y'know what doesn't hurt the hand? Readin' some comixs. And World War Hulk does not dissapoint, pick it up. I wanna do a review, mainly because I wish I was Chris Sims, but other than that just because I feel compelled to talk about the comic books I have come to embrace.

On top of that, I did a picture.

Yes, it's the Fantastic Four and the Silver Surfer.

Yes, I want to see the movie.

Yes, I know they critics says it sucks.

Yes, you can suck my nuts.

Also, the Sub-Mariner's new comic, sends a shock down my spine that hits some organ that we don't know it's use... I know it's use... It's to predict pure awesome, and make you splooge with awesome juice. It's not as gross as it sounds.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Doki Doki!

Hey there folks.

I never talk anymore, do I? Hmm? Sho'.

Well, there's quite a few new Trials up. I've usually drawn them on paper, then scan 'em... And then ink 'em. Well... That takes forever. So about... I dunno... Issue 8, I've been doin' 'em all digitally. They get done faster, but I usually have to go back and edit a few times. Nothin' can be perfect.

Anyways, my high school career is coming to a close, and grats to me for not graduating until the Summer... And by grats... I mean I'm a moron. But I've put enough mental blocks in there so when I'm thirty someone can tear them down and make me less of a man than I am now.

But onto more Nerdy news. I've been gettin' steady into the world of comic books. And I'm lookin' forward to what we got goin' on soon. I mean, a new Nova series, the Illuminati? And there's an all new Avengers team... Fuckin' Luke Cage AND Spider-Man?! Bucky, Nick Fury, Sharon, and fuckin' Falcon plannin' on killin' Tony Stark?! A new Sub-Mariner comes out in two weeks, and you know I love me some Namor. And then after that... Fuckin' THOR! Hells yes. Can life get better? I think not. Oh, but I do... WORLD WAR HULK!

Another thing... I think I might be needing a new Intous pen... Mine's eraser is like.... Dying. And I hate that.

Gettin' back into WoW soon as well. Probably... Well by now, later today. Gonna get me some Foulbrow on, yo. Oh, check out the Smash Bros Dojo site some time. It's got like... A bunch of stuff... On Brawl.

Also, after I'm done, I'm gonna post a few Doki Doki Temi things... You don't know? Well you should. And soon enough.

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