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Monday, April 30, 2007

It's Ultimate!

Hey there, jackasses.

I know I havn't posted in a while, but it's not like it matters since no one reads this shit, but I'm compelled to talk.

First off, we've got a new Trials up. It's a "special" which is really just an excuse. It has nothing to actually do with the canon, but Joshua made it work, and placed it after issue 1. Hence 1.5. It was originally the pilot for the comic, so to speak. Not the first Klahad comic, but for the "New Adventures" it is. It has about 4 pages of added material as well, since the original were all same sized panels on three pages. The purpose of making this pilot was to get a site before I got my Intous3 tablet, so it was done in traditional ink pen, like our original Klahad comics that only 1 and a half issues were made (Horribly, but it WAS 52 pages...) And if you think you're missing out on the original, you're not... It's essentially the Kai arc, only shitty drawings, some of the original jokes and some poor jokes, and crummy editing. Also a lot of fucked up hands.

On the on-to-ons of my day, I've been passing most of my time reading comic books. Y'know, the good ol' Marvel stuff. It's been a long time, as I was a childhood fan, collecting comic books and collectable cards of my favorite heroes... So I got to reading the Ultimate series. Holy shit! That is some good-ass shit. Ultimate Spider-Man, best told version in my opinion, I love the Fantastic Four, and even X-Men's Cyclops is alright! Just alright though. I've also read some of the Civil War story arc, pretty cool shit... But readin' it all just made me want some serious Namor the Sub-mariner action. He's such a bad-ass. He's like a super-human ass-kicking king. Him and John Jameson, the Man-Wolf, should hang out and kick the crap outta people with Nick Mother-Fuckin' Fury. I mean, that's a serious ass team, they can face like... The Yellow Claw and the Red Skull and shit... It'd be fuckin' awesome.

Speaking of comic books... Fuckin' one week until, yes that's right, fuckin' Spider-Man 3. Oh fuck yeah... Sand-Man, New Goblin, and fuckin' Venom?! You couldn't pray for a better movie... I only hope Rhino or the Shocker get their asses kicked.

Picked up some Poke'mon Diamond. Ironically Poke'mon was the same thing that ended up ending our first Klahad attempt, we loved it too much... But anyways, it's graced itself upon us with it's awesomeness. There is tons of shit to do, but it's so slow! Shit takes forever, if I have to sit there and know that there is still fog on the stage... I KNOW THERE IS STILL FUCKING FOG! YOU DON'T NEED THE FUCKING ANIMATION! Bubbleblast shouldn't take a fuckin' hour. Fuck, Repels don't even fuckin' work. Shiiit, man.

Aside from that, played some Zelda: Twilight Princess and beat that, pretty epic shit.

Also, I've updated my DeviantART with some old ass drawings, please, gawk at them.

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